Lightning Fast Applications

  • Should I Get a Pre Approval First?

    You can do this kind of either way. We get folks who have a home in mind and then come to us and ask us to figure out a way to help them buy that particular home. This option though is one that can lead to some heartbreak when you see what your real options are. If you want to buy a home and you want to get a clear idea of what your budget is, maybe we can help you there as well. This approach can allow you to focus your efforts on looking at homes that are a real possibility for you.

  • The Art of Making An Offer

    Just because you may have a more extensive budget does not mean that you should always be looking to spend all of it. We can not only help you find what your budget actually is, but also give you tips on how you should be making offers and how that could impact your chances of obtaining a house or not.

  • We Can Help You Through The Whole Process

    We are not real estate agents that are going to be going around town with you shopping for a home. Other than that though, we are going to be able to help you navigate the entire buying process. We can let you know how the payments that you would have to make have to be set up in your account. If you want to know what this is going to mean come tax time we can let you know everything that you need to know on that end. You don’t have to worry about asking any type of question. We’d rather get “dumb” questions than have you go into the process not knowing what to expect.

  • What Happens If My Offer Is Not Accepted?

    You’ve made an offer, and you’ve had your finance approved but the offer hasn’t been accepted. The fact that your credit has been pre-approved to be able to make an offer is great news. What you are going to need to do now is find a new home that you would like to purchase. It’s not a big deal, we can help you through a situation like this.

  • Want to find out more about how we can help?

    There's probably no shortage of people giving you advice right now. But take your questions to an expert. We offer completely independent advice with the simple of finding you the best available mortgage and getting you approved fast.